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Pastor Cho Yong-ki's sermon

Stages of Faith (Gal 5: 16-26)


Every living thing has a stage of life: to be born, grow, grow, grow, wither, and die. Our faith is also a spiritual creature. Therefore, there is a distinct stage of life. In other words, it is a stage of faith that is growing to a mature stage.


1. the life of a sinner who devoured good and evil

A person who does not believe lives a life that has left God as it is after picking good and bad. Since he left God, he lives an egocentric life and decides good and bad for himself. The meaning of "good and bad" is the sovereignty that determines good and bad. From the beginning, God told Adam and Hawaii not to eat good and bad. If you eat good and bad, you will compete with God. The right to decide good and bad throughout the universe is the sovereignty that only God has. However, if a man decides good and bad by himself, and opposes God, he cannot accept this because he becomes a being who confronts God.

The devil is a celestial deity who has been driven out of heaven while attempting to be equal to God. However, the heavenly devil, along with the fallen angels, is acting against and against God in the entire universe. They attacked Adam and Hawaii and tried to sever their relationship with God in order to win them over. In this way, if you leave God and become a devil's servant, you will follow the devil's character and do what the devil does. Therefore, you cannot do with God. Because you have different character from God. As a result, you will inevitably die and fall into hell if you live a life as an enemy of God. Living in a physical way means being cut off from God without him. All people who do not believe in Jesus live with the body. As it is, those who live with the body become enemies of God are still living with God. Therefore, if you live a life against God, you will be cursed and if you die, you will inevitably fall into hell and perish.


2. a saved life devoured by life


The life of believing in Jesus is a life of life. In the Garden of Eden created by God, there were not only trees that knew good and evil, but also life trees. The fruit of the life tree is the fruit of living a life of fully serving God, the absolute sovereign, and respecting, trusting, obeying, and serving his sovereignty. That life fruit is the pretense of Jesus. When we realize that we are sinners and believe in Jesus, we will eat life. Jesus had already come to this land 2,000 years ago and opened the way for us to life. However, in order for us to serve Jesus as the life fruit, we must realize that we are sinners. You cannot ask for forgiveness if you do not realize that I am a sinner. Through repentance, the old Adam's man of my past died, was liquidated, and through the grace of the cross and resurrection, he became a new man. An old man who has been cursed and sinned must realize that he has died and been reborn as a new man blessed with grace.

John 1:9 states, "If we confess our sins, he will be wicked, righteous, forgive our sins, and clean us from all injustice," and John 3:16 states, "God loves the world like this, and he gives us a living independent, so that every one who believes in him will live forever without destruction." Therefore, anyone who believes in Jesus, regardless of whether they are men or women, slaves, rich or poor, or noble, will be saved. To believe is to believe if you confess with your lips that Christ is the Son of God and the Savior. Our old people have already been crucified. In fact, it is false to cling to our bodies and engage in lust. I pray in the name of the Lord that he will not be deceived by false and futile things, but to confront and defeat us firmly in the name of Jesus. Also, God has given the Holy Spirit as evidence of being the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit is calling us the 'Father.'


3. a rich life in the cross


A sentient being is a life of prosperity in the midst of the cross. Those who believe in Jesus must live with the grace of the cross. Jesus not only saved our souls from the cross, but also liquidated our old people, liquidated our old lives, and gave us new lives. Therefore, we must always live in a world that is a gloomy valley of death and stare at the cross whenever we face difficulties. With the cross at the heart, Jesus frees us. Therefore, we must stand firm in our faith and never wear the yoke of a bell again. We must reject it firmly.

We must defeat the yoke of the species. When the yoke of sin comes, we must firmly defeat it in the name of Jesus. Even if you come to the yoke of disease, you must defeat it in the name of Jesus, the yoke of curse and poverty, and the yoke of death and wealth. Jesus gave us through the cross a life of forgiveness and righteousness. Therefore, he dresses us with righteousness and forgiveness of all sins and gives us a life of integrity and the Holy Spirit. Through it, you give us a life of healing and health. Therefore, believing in Jesus is not without power. The life of believing in Jesus is the power of faith behind it. You have the ability to make what you don't have. Therefore, we must use that ability to defeat the forces of death and curse. Fate changes when thoughts, dreams, beliefs, and words change through a four-dimensional spirituality that grows faith. God gave us this spirituality so that we can live with ourselves. Animals and beasts do not have a four-dimensional spirituality, but humans have a four-dimensional spirituality. Being able to think, dream, believe, and speak is an important pathway to accompany God. Through this, our lives can go beyond the dimension of reason and experience to the dimension of miracles and blessings.


4. the ultimate purpose of God


God has saved us for the completion of our personal change. In other words, he called us to make children who look like Jesus. Therefore, God wants everyone to become children who look like Jesus and come to heaven and live with him. We are wearing Jesus' blood that is worthless and righteous, but to do a movie means to make us go up to heaven. It's not that we hold on to God, but that God has held us. God chose us, not that we chose God, and that we chose God as our children. Also, God loved us first before we loved him. God built to love us. Our salvation is the core of that love. Therefore, we must not forget that we are loved enough to give up our own poison, Jesus Christ, and save us in return for that blood. That's why God wants us to be children who look like Jesus, to think, speak, act, and live like Jesus. Therefore, in Rome 12:2, "Do not emulate this generation, but receive change only by renewing your mind to discern what God means in good, joyous, and fullness," and in Corinthians 10:31, "That is, whatever you eat or drink, do, for the glory of God." Like Jesus, just as he lived for the glory of God, you should do the same.

We were all descendants of Adam, who fought against God and abandoned him, but Jesus, who became life, came and tore his body for us, shed blood, and gave you to us. If we repent of our sins, acknowledge, believe, and accept that we are Christ's Savior, the result is that we receive the Holy Spirit, change, become a man of love, and eventually rise to heaven. We pray in the name of the Lord that we all grow up well according to this stage of faith, become loving people, and become glorious people of God and ascend to heaven.


Our living father, God, the greatest life in the world is the life that follows Jesus. First of all, let us realize that there is a stage of faith that is sentient and grows into faith. Through that, all those who believe in the Lord Jesus enjoy the Gospel of Five and triple blessings and are transformed into Christ-like personalities to enjoy glory in heaven. May the Holy Spirit of Bohye inspire our hearts today.
I pray in the name of Jesus.
