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Pastor Cho Yong-ki's sermon

When darkness comes, look at the sky and you can see the stars (he 12:1 - 3)


It happened during the economic crisis in the United States. Due to economic difficulties, people couldn't go to the hospital because they didn't have any medical expenses, no matter how sick they were. Under these circumstances, one doctor had no patients and could afford to close the hospital. He was almost given up in frustration and despair, and one night, his two children sat on his father's lap at the stool and hugged his neck, saying, "Daddy! We can't see stars until it's dark, right?" The children said it carelessly, and the words contained the voice of the Holy Spirit. These words touched the doctor's heart. So, rather than being discouraged in his night-like environment, he looked at God in the sky and testified that he could overcome and beat the dark environment by words. So when we are discouraged, too, look up to heaven. If Moses looks at God as if he held a snake in the wilderness, and looks at blessings and consolation, the light will shine on our lives.

1. Failure is the mother of success

Throughout our lives, we are bound to fail. However, there is an old saying that 'Failure is the mother of success'. Humans started with failure from the beginning. Adam and Hawa tried to rebel against God and act like God, but lost their status as humans and were expelled from Eden and lived a failed life in a cursed land. However, we do not need to dwell on the failures of Adam and Haw today because Jesus, the son of God, came and liquidated all the failures of Adam and Hawa. Jesus has paved the way for us to overcome sin, injustice to this world, disease, curse, death, successful soul, strong, life, but abundant. As a result, Adam was driven out of God and failed while claiming his sovereignty over good and bad, but we were able to succeed and live in Jesus without repeating the failures. God did not abandon humans in a state of failure but sent Jesus to overcome Adam's failures and bring great success.

In Ephesians 2:4 verse 5, it is written that "God, who is blessedly rich, saved us from tears because of the great love that loved us, with Christ (you were saved by grace)." How successful was it that you saved us from tears, who died of tears, with Jesus, to become children of God and to obtain eternal life and become citizens of heaven? In addition, in Corinthians 5:17, "If anyone is in Christ, it is a new creation, so the previous one has passed, so look, it has become new." We have the honor of being able to live as a new person through Jesus in this land where Adam has failed. Failure is something we always experience, but God's will is that he wants to overcome it and succeed.

Since we have already begun to fall, we have been living with numerous failures since we were born. Before we wake up, don't we learn the failure of falling first before we learn how to walk? In this way, we have lived our lives through failures, but God does not want us to remain in failure, and he wants to overcome those failures and live a life of success. If we know God's wishes, we are not discouraged. So Jeremiah 29:11:14 says, "For it is the word of Yahweh, I know my thoughts for you. It is not a disaster, it gives you the future and hope. If you come to me and pray, I will hear your prayers. If you save me with all your heart, you will find me. This is the word of Yahweh: I will meet you, and I will bring you back from captivity, but I will return to the place where I gathered and left from the countries and everywhere I sent you, which is the word of Yahweh."

Physicist Bohr said, "An expert is a person who has made every possible failure and mistake in a very small area." He is indeed right. A person who has experienced every failure can become an expert and do something that helps others not to fail and corrects them. That is why there is no such thing as eternal failure. Among the four-character idioms, Unechangcheon means, "When you come out of the dark cloud, you will see a clear blue sky," which means that you will succeed when you overcome all kinds of obstacles. Success is always hidden in failure, but when you pass through the clouds of failure, success comes to you in the end. Therefore, failure is the mother who brings success. Therefore, we should not accept failure as failure, but rather accept failure as gratitude.


2. an eye for failure

We must have a clear eye for failure. Failure is a failure of what has been done, but it does not always mean that the person who has done it is a failure. In other words, you should not say, 'I am a failure of cooking' because you failed to cook. You failed to cook, because the person who cooked is not a failure. Failure is the school of success to come. Therefore, Job 23:10 states, "But he knows my way, and after he has trained me, I will come out like pure gold," and Peter 5:10 also states, "The God of all grace, who calls you into his eternal glory in Christ, will make you whole, strengthen, and strengthen you who have suffered for a while."

Suffering is the starting point of success because through hardship the Lord causes us to suffer, what we lack is intact, solidified, and solidified, resulting in success. Everyone, no matter how great, has experienced failure. Look at Moses, the great leader, who wandered as a failure in the wilderness for 40 years. When he was young, lively, and the son of Pharaoh's daughter in the royal palace of Egypt, he felt like he had risen to the top of his success. But when he woke up with a passion to save his people and saw the Egyptians hitting the Hebrews, he killed the Egyptians and buried them in the sand while they were not looking. When it was discovered and the king tried to kill Moses, he fled into the wilderness and lived a failed life. At the age of 40, he fled and lived as a shepherd in the wilderness for 40 years. He made it possible for God to call the broken man back and make him a great leader and rescue Israel by turning 80. He was a great failure, but God made him qualified to hear God's voice through that great failure. He failed, but 40 years later, God sent Moses to Egypt and made a great contribution to establishing the country by bringing out the three million Israelis who had been serving for 430 years.

The ad in the Will Street Journal in the U.S. in the 1980s shocked and touched people. It read, "Don't be afraid of failure." It read, "You may not remember, but you have failed many times. When you first began to walk, you fell. When you first learned to swim, you almost drowned. When you swung your bat, did it hit the ball? Hitters, hitters who hit home runs the most were outings. R. H. Macy managed to make a New York store success after failing seven times. British novelist John Creasy received 753 rejections before releasing 564 books. Babe Ruth hit 714 home runs, but she was struck out 1330 times. Don't worry about failure." The problem in our lives is not failure itself, but fear failure and not even try. Failure is the school of success to come. All of the great people have experiences of failure. Some of us are afraid of failure and never try at all. However, if you are prepared to fail and do anything in the main, the Holy Spirit will lead you to success. Fear of failure, not failure itself, is the biggest failure. If you advance without fear of one failure, you can eventually achieve success.


3. When you fail

When we fail, we should not think of ourselves as failures. You shouldn't think by yourself, 'I failed, so I am a failure. I can't. I can't. I can't do it.' Rather, you shouldn't think, 'I failed in this job, not a failure. I can succeed.' You should not brand yourself a failure. Peter threw a net all night, but he failed to catch any and failed to catch any fish. However, he didn't think, "I failed to catch fish, so as a failed fisherman, I should let go of all the boats." He failed to catch fish for a day, not as a fisherman. Rather, because he was an empty boat that day, he lent the boat to Jesus, and thanks to him, he became Jesus' handmade and a great figure in history. As such, his failure to catch fish that day was a great start to success. Therefore, life does not mean you become a failure just because you failed at one thing. You must know that you failed at the job and that you did as a person are not a failure.

According to Luke 5:5 and verse 6, "Simon answered, 'Teacher, we have worked hard all night long, but we have not caught anything. I will lower the net by relying on the word that I will lower the net." It shows that Peter failed to catch fish once, but tried again and succeeded greatly. This opportunity to have time for repentance and turn around is a failure. Through failure, we have the opportunity to repent and reflect on our mistakes, and to make more determination.

In Psalm 51:9, the journalist of the Psalm, who wrote, "Create the heart that you have set in me, and renew the honest spirit in me, drive me out of the Lord, and collect the Holy Spirit of the Lord from me, and restore me the joy of your salvation and hold me to the spirit of your volunteering," wrote in Psalm 51:9. We have heartache in failure, and we did not preserve the pain, vomited it in front of God, and poured it out. We must vomit all the negativity in our hearts before God and look at God and the sky. Man should not live only looking at the ground. The ground is full of failures. The ground is full of failures. There is new hope when we raise our eyes and look at the sky. Look at the sky. We who believe in Jesus are called to believe in Jesus and look at the sky. Our sky is not that vague sky, but the Bible is our sky. From Genesis, God is in it, he is speaking, and it is the sky that God is leading. If you look at the Bible, you can see the stars of blessing that Abraham saw. The stars are the promises and the covenant. The word of God is waiting for us. When you read, hear, and meditate, it gives you dreams, hope, and faith in our hearts. God will surely give us success if you hold onto it, pray boldly, and move forward.

Hebrews 12:2 states, "When we look at Jesus, the principal and intact person of faith, he has put up with the cross for the joy before him, and he has sat in the mail of God's assistance without shame." Success must come when we look at and follow him, the great Jesus Christ, the principal and intact person of faith. Jesus has overcome sin. He has overcome injustice. He has defeated the disease. He has overcome the devil. He has overcome the curse. He has also beaten death. Jesus, who has won it all, tells us, "My dear, I pray that my soul is well and strong in all things as it is done." And we do not fail, because he leads us as a good shepherd when following Jesus. Therefore, when we fail, we must be grateful like Job in times of trouble.

Job is a man who has experienced failure beyond endurance for a man. Job of the Us land was intact and honest, and he escaped from evil in awe of God, had seven sons and three daughters, and had a lot of wealth. However, he was attacked by the devil, lost all his sons and daughters at once, lost all his property, lost his wife and friends, lost all his friends, and came to a disastrous point where he sat in the ashes and scratched his whole body with a tile. Still, he didn't blame God. Eventually, Job was blessed by God and became a man who was blessed with more grace than before. God does not abandon those who are grateful in times of hardship. If you only think of failure, sigh, cry, and sit down, nothing will be done. Rather, please think of and thank God for the success he will give you in times of hardship. God always gives you success. When you are in trouble, you always give us blessings beyond hardship. We are those born to be blessed, not to fail. We are born to be blessed in Jesus. We are not born as failures. Dream of that in your heart. Trust that. Confess it with your lips, through which you never let the shadow of failure come to us.


God gave us a second life thanks to Jesus's blood. Just as Jesus blocked, blocked, chased them all, and gave the woman a second life even if the Pharisees, who were caught at the scene of adultery, tried to stone-kill all the women. Even if you were caught in such a terrible snare, the Lord gave you a second life. Jesus was not guilty when the Lord met a Samaritan woman who lived with a sixth man after five husbands had separated. He did not expel her by swearing at her. He encouraged, and gave her the strength to comfort, encourage, and raise her again. You can think of failure as a foundation for success. Therefore, as long as you trust and rely on Jesus, you must know that we have a second chance of life.

No matter what desperate situation we are currently in, as long as we believe in Jesus, despair is a hasty conclusion, and in the end, new hope can come to us. Therefore, we must never be discouraged and given up. It is the will of the Lord that our souls are prosperous, good at everything, and gain life but in abundance. The only thing that comes is to kill and destroy the bandits, and God's will is that all I have come is to obtain life in sheep but in abundance. To that end, the Lord has crucified, been in charge of curses, diseases, sins, and even death. Good things will happen to us if we look at Jesus like that, hold him in his arms, and have faith with positive, creative, bright, bright thinking. Because the Lord is with us. Therefore, you must not be discouraged and retreat from the world. If you look at the sky at night, you can look at the stars. However, if you sit in the house because the night is so dark, you cannot see many stars. Even in the dark night of your life, you can see the stars of your promise when you go out to God, look at the sky, and find God. If you expect and pray through it, you can receive grace. Therefore, let's always expect tomorrow to be better than today, next month to be better than this month, and this year to be better than this year. And let's go out with positive thoughts and faith. If you always have positive thoughts and dreams and always say positive things with faith, God will always accompany us and history us.



God, who has a lot of love!
I confess that we do not become failures despite the hopeless failures of life because God's grace is always with us. I confess that by the grace of Jesus Christ, we are no longer failures. I hope to hide in the darkness of failure and not be frustrated and to look at the stars of God's words and covenant that shine brighter in that darkness. Please allow us such courage and strength!
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
