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Pastor Cho Yong-ki's sermon

Where is my help coming from? (Psalm 121:1-2)


It would be nice to be able to live on your own without the help of others while living in the world. However, while a person is born in the world and lives his or her life, he cannot live on his or her own without any help. When we are young, we have parental and sibling assistance, teacher assistance, and senior social studies assistance. Like this, we live our lives through a variety of helping hands. However, the problem is when we live in this world and are faced with difficult problems that people cannot handle. Will we be frustrated, despair, and put our hands up? Or where should we seek help? The Bible says that we must move directly to God, who built heaven and earth, when no one can help me in such a difficult situation. There are several conditions for us to move toward God.


1. Where should I look

The law of looking is very important in our lives. When God called Abraham, he said, "Go to the land that I will instruct you. Go to the land that I show you." When people cannot afford to look at God, they are frustrated and despair because they only look at the environment and compare themselves to their abilities. However, if you look at God first and look at the environment, you can look at everything positively and creatively because God's power is with us. Because the Bible said, "If you can do it, there is nothing you can't do for those who believe what this means."

Here's why we shouldn't get scared beforehand and be concerned when we do something. First, it's because even if we're concerned, there's no benefit to ourselves. We can't change the environment just because we're concerned, so we'll have to pray to God and rely on him so that we don't actually worry. In Matthew 6:27, Jesus said, "Who among you can add that height out of concern?" There is nothing different about worrying, but it's foolish to be concerned. In fact, it is very difficult to stop worrying. We often worry all night, can't sleep, can't eat, and lose peace in our hearts. At that time, there is no other way but to desperately find the Lord who carries the concern instead.

Second, worry comes from distrust. If you can fully trust and rely on the Lord, worry is nothing. But worry is coming to me because I completely don't trust the Lord. The Lord said, "Those who work hard and carry heavy burdens come to me. I will give you rest," and in Matthew 6:31, he said in verse 32, "So do not worry about what to eat or drink; do not worry about what to wear, because it is all saved by strangers. Therefore, George Mueller, the warrior of prayer, said, "The beginning of worry is the end of faith, and the beginning of faith is the end of worry." In other words, if you believe, the fear disappears, and if you worry, the faith disappears.

Third, the Bible teaches that there is no reason to be concerned because God is with us. In Matthew 10:20, Jesus writes, "He who speaks is not you, but the Holy Spirit of your father who speaks in you." When the Holy Spirit tells us not to be concerned, we are to listen to the words and believe them boldly. It is not that we are talking, but that the Holy Spirit personally delivers the words of God in us.

Fourth, the concern of the world is to prevent it from coming to fruition. In the analogy of the seedling of Matthew 13, Jesus writes in verse 22, "He who hears the words that he has been sprinkled on the thorns, but is blocked by the concerns of the world and the temptation of wealth, and cannot bear fruit." No matter how much you listen to the sermon and listen to the advice, you won't be able to hear it. It covers the mind like a thorn and prevents it from coming to fruition. The words can be planted in the heart and brought to fruition only when you have peace in your heart by entrusting your worries and concerns.

Romans 8:28 says, "Everything works together to achieve good." Therefore, when looking at God with the idea that good is always good, painful, and bad, because good things work together to achieve good, so you can be bold with faith. Therefore, you have to look at good God. God is a good God. He is present to us to give us good things. If you leave concern and concern to God, you must look at God with a positive, positive, and creative basis because you make the good better, the bad better, and the good work together to be beneficial. Because we depend on God so strong, we can look at all environments without fear, and because God is with us, we must be strong and bold to use us.

2. Look at God

Psalm 121 verse 1 verse 2 states, "I will raise my eyes to the mountain, where will my help come from? My help is to Yahweh, who built heaven and earth." Man must look at one of the two, whether he looks at the world or God. You cannot look at it at the same time. You have to choose between worrying or worrying, looking at God, looking at my pain, looking at God who lifts us from our suffering, looking at the devil who steals, kills and destroys us, or looking at the Lord who gives but gives us life. The Psalm reporter said he would raise his eyes and look at the God who built heaven and earth. It is the law of looking. When one looks at anything, one is drawn to it and it comes to our hearts. Hebrews 12:2 states, "When we look at Jesus, the main and intact man of faith, he put the cross in front of him for the joy that he did not mind shame and sat in the mail of God's assistance." If we look at Jesus, who is the main and intact of faith, the power of salvation is coming to us.

What's the difference between a person who believes in Jesus and a person who doesn't? Those who don't believe in Jesus do everything by their own means, methods, and abilities, but those who believe in Jesus do it with God. God holds us together and makes us win because we rely on God's abilities, wisdom, intelligence, talent, and knowledge. Therefore, if you look at the object of fear, you lose your courage, you lose your discernment, and you lose your goal. However, if you look at God and stand in the middle of the word, you can gain confidence in your heart and go out boldly. We must see the grace of the cross day and night every day. God loved us so much that when he sent his son Jesus to the earth, he crucified, torn him, and bleeding, he did so to gain the strength to live our lives. Therefore, Isaiah 53:5 states, "He is stabbed because of our faults, and his hurt is because of our sins, so we enjoy peace, and we have been punished because he is beaten by the whip."

When we look at the cross, we need to know that Jesus has been a shield of forgiveness and righteousness for us. When we look at the cross when we are sinful, unjust, ugly, abandoned and lose our power due to a demonic attack, forgiveness and righteousness pour out there. Jesus' blood is to expel all our sins and to dress us with forgiveness and righteousness. Looking at the cross when we lose our courage and strength to a broken life attacked by the devil because we cannot live holily in this world, the Lord is to dress us with forgiveness and holiness and to pour the Holy Spirit through him. Therefore, verse 14 reads, "As Christ was cursed for us, he deceived us in the curse of the law, and as recorded, he grew up under the curse of every man on the tree, so that in Christ Jesus, Abraham's blessings will affect the stranger and we will receive the promise of the Holy Spirit through faith." It is the cross grace of Jesus Christ that we can receive Abraham's corridor and the Holy Spirit.

When we see death as it approaches, we fear and despair. Because everyone dies alone, they are afraid of death. Then we must know that there is Jesus who will not die alone, but will pass through the tunnel of death and take us to heaven. Jesus will surely appear at the place of our death. And he holds our hands and makes us enter heaven's glory through death. When Jesus, who brings rebirth, eternal life, and heaven, looks through the cross, he tells us, "I have already won death. Be strong and courageous without fear." Therefore, in verse 3 of John 14:1, it is written, "Don't worry about your heart, believe in God, and believe in me. There are many places to live in my father's house. Otherwise, I told you. I will go and reserve a place for you, and I will come back and greet you with you and you will be where I am." The Lord has reserved a place for us. That place will be different from the place we live in today's troubled and troubled world.

Therefore, we must firmly accept and insist on forgiveness and righteousness, holiness and fulfillment of the Holy Spirit, treatment and health, Abraham's blessings and blessings, and eternal restoration in our minds. If you look at and insist in that way, it will happen as it is. It is so important that we look at it like this. Through this, the Lord gives us life but fills it to the fullest.

3. the change brought about by the Holy Spirit

When we look at the cross and rely on it, the Holy Spirit comes to us and creates amazing changes. Genesis 1:2 states, "The earth is confused and empty, and the dark dark is deep, and the spirit of God is on the water." When the earth was confused, empty, and the dark is deep, the Holy Spirit ran and the beautiful world was created. The Holy Spirit is the spirit that creates change and is here to make a beautiful world. Therefore, it is the Holy Spirit that tells us a history of changing darkness into light, disorder into order, poverty into wealth, pain into pleasure, and dirt into beauty. The Holy Spirit constantly creates a history of change. The Holy Spirit history through it when we look at the cross and believe in it fully.

"This is what Yahweh said to Zerubbabel, saying to me, 'This is what he said to Zerubbabel. This is what Yahweh of Almighty said, 'You are not made by force, but by my spirit. You are flat in front of Zerubbabel. You are flat in front of Zerubbabel.' When the Holy Spirit of God comes, he makes what is not made by force and by virtue. Good things happen because there is the Holy Spirit who creates good change. Through the cross of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit changes your thoughts. The Holy Spirit changes the idea from a prisoner of sin to a man of forgiveness and significance, from a broken man to a holy man, from a sick man. He also makes the poor say and think positively that they are blessed by Abraham and a man of wealth, and makes the people without salvation appreciate and praise him as a man of eternal restoration.

In Rome 8:5:6, he said, "Those who follow the body think of the flesh, and those who follow the spirit think of the spirit, and the thoughts of the flesh are death, and the thoughts of the spirit are life and peace." The Holy Spirit gives us the idea of life and peace. Therefore, when the Holy Spirit comes, it brings us to a great change of thought through the cross. Therefore, if thoughts are always filled with anxiety, anxiety, despair, frustration, resentment, timing, anger, jealousy, inability to do, the Holy Spirit cannot history. Cleaning the mind is the blood of the cross of Jesus, and changing the mind is history of the Holy Spirit. When the mind is cleared with the blood of all our hearts and cleans the mind, and when the thought of the Holy Spirit is changed, our fate and environment change as we think.

The Holy Spirit also gives us dreams and hopes. Joel 2:28 states, "After that I will pour my spirit into the people, and your children will tell you what is going on in the future, and your old man will dream and your young man will see the ideal." Dreams and fantasies are not the present, but the present. No one dreams of a job at the moment. What will go well tomorrow, what will happen tomorrow, what will happen tomorrow, what will happen tomorrow, what will happen tomorrow, what will happen tomorrow, what will happen tomorrow, what will happen tomorrow, what will be treated tomorrow? When the Holy Spirit comes, it instills in our minds these dreams and hopes for tomorrow. For those who are frustrated and hopeless, there is no tomorrow. If we despair today, tomorrow will be truly dark and hopeless. The Holy Spirit instills tomorrow. There must be tomorrow. The Holy Spirit instills hope and dreams for tomorrow. Miracles happen when we believe in them. Even today, the Holy Spirit is giving us a history that instills dreams and hopes in everyone. Therefore, we only need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit gives us faith and courage. When we look at the Lord and rely on the Holy Spirit when we are discouraged and frustrated by human power, we have courage beyond our imagination. "There is nothing you can do for those who believe! You can do it! You can do it! You can do it! Let's do it!" When God's Holy Spirit's ability to move forward, it gives us such courage. If we cannot dream and venture with faith, we cannot expect miracles. Miracles follow when there is an adventure.

In John 16:33, it is written that "to bring this to you is to make you have peace in me, but in the world, you will be troubled, but be bold: I have won the world." Jesus, who cannot win on our own but has already won the world, is looking down on us from heaven. Therefore, if we rely on the contribution of the blood of the cross to look at Jesus, who has already won, dream, believe in it, admit it with our lips, and move forward, victory will be ours. To do this, we have to change our words. We have to rely on God and think, look at, appreciate, and command what we do not have with the faith you have given us. If God has given us grace, we will say, "Thank you for making my soul prosperous. Thank you for making me strong." Don't stop at that and confess with your lips, "May your soul be prosperous. Be strong." You must not only give creative gratitude but also give creative commands. Therefore, if you admit, acknowledge, and appreciate what you have given to God with your mouth, and then command him boldly, you can accompany God and live with that ability. Verse 18:21 says, "He who likes to use his tongue will eat the fruit of his tongue," so you should constantly confess your words of gratitude and praise with your lips.
We live according to what we look at every day. Around us, there are those who look at the mountains of hardship, big and small, and live in fear, sad, disappointed, unhappy, or there are those who look at God who built heaven and earth, and are thrilled, grateful, positive, hopeful, courageous, and talk boldly. May you look at the mountains and not be afraid, but at God and live happily, with joy and faith. God gave us the Galvory Cross. God loves us and is the one who gave us the son to hang the cross. There is no such love anywhere in the world. Jesus is always on our side. Therefore, we are never lonely. Nor are we abandoned. Therefore, the Lord is with us today, and he loves us and holds us together. So let's not look up at the mountains but at God. Let's look at Jesus. Let's use the law of gaze. Therefore, just as beautiful stars twinkle in the sky, hope twinkle in us. There is a dream. We have faith and it will eventually go according to that belief.



Our living father, God! We live by what we see every day. Some look at the negative and some look at the positive. What we look at determines our fate. Therefore, think of the word of God every day and follow the word of God, with hopeful dreams and beliefs, and help him move forward by recognizing with his lips and looking at it. Please give miracles to all the saints and help them overcome the forces of black cancer that are coming around them!
I pray in the name of Jesus.
